Monday, June 29, 2015

What To Put in "Open When" Letters!

My boyfriend is leaving for a month and all though that may not sound long, it is long for us. I wanted him to have something that he can remember me with. I wanted it to be a cute and sweet DIY present that would last the whole trip. I then came across the "Open When" letters. I was really excited to do this, but I had a hard time finding what to put in them... This is to help you get ideas, that I wish I had!

The ending result of the cards

First, he had to open the "Open Now" card. All that was in it was a pretty card describing what this present exactly was. I had also included a couple cute pet names for him in each envelope to make him smile.
I ended up just putting them in a plain manila envelope and decorated it a bit with his favorite colors. On the outside is the card that he had opened when he was with me for the last time.
I had used these cute little cards from Dollar Tree

I had handwritten every individual card, and knowing me, I had typed it all first because otherwise I would mess up and ramble on and on. 

The Cards That I Had Made Were:

  • When It's Your First Night Away
    • I had included just a note about how much I already miss him and how the moon that's at his house is at mine, too. Then I turned that into the classic "I love you to the moon and back"
  • When You're Bored
    • I included a long letter to him on how we got together and how much it changed my life
  • When You Need A Smile
    • This one is kind of an inside joke thing. He is a "Nerd" and is in love with the Star Wars movies. He is still trying to get me to watch them all, which I seen the first 2 of the original ones, but I sent him a Star Wars pun one day (You're the Obi Wan For Me). So,... For this one, I had put a bunch of Star Wars puns including my favorite one... (If you're not dating a girl who likes Star Wars puns, You're looking for love in Alderaan places)
  • When You Miss Me
    • This one was a whole card about how much I missed him, too, and how I'm only a Skype or text away.
  • When You Need A Kiss
    • This is one of my favorites! He's not a big fan of chocolate, so I couldn't put Hershey's Kisses in it, so I had to get creative. In the end,  I had included a bunch of Mailed Kisses: (I had used the idea from 
  • When You Had A Bad Day
    • This letter started off with," Noooo! You weren't supposed to have to open this one! Okay, I'm here now anyways." I just talked about how much I needed him and how important he was to me
  • When You're Stressed
    • This one is kind of cool. I had included a note talking about how I wish I was there with him to help him, but I am always here for him. I had also put in the envelope a little bit of bubble wrap that said," Immediate Stress Relief"
    • This one was also the biggest and when he was looking through the cards he joked with me saying how he was going to be stressed soon...
  • When You're Alone...
    • I wanted to do something more than this, but I ended up just writing everything I love that he does when he kisses me. Remember how everyone had a pet name in it? Well, this one said, "Hey There, Sexy" which he is going to find as a shock because he knows that I have a hard time saying things like that. 
    • When he was looking through them and read "When You're Alone" he said Oooo and looked at me, so beware that that is probably the reaction most guys will give...
  • When You Need A Reminder
    • This one is sweet. I had included a note all about us and then I had put in a few pictures of us and a swatch of my perfume. He always says how he loves this one perfume I wear, so I sprayed the hell out of that envelope with it lol
  • When You Can't Sleep
    • This one is funny because of what I wrote.... I said how he needs to stop reading and call me, and if I don't answer, to keep reading. Then it says "I didn't answer? Dang it. I'm sorry! Keep reading..." then I talk about us again.
  • When It's Your Last Night Away!
    • I had wrote how I am so excited that he's coming home and  that he just has to go to sleep one more time before he is home in my arms.
Needless to say, he loved it! I had to give it to him while we were in his car and it was 11 O'Clock at night because he wasn't supposed to be leaving already, but something came up. I loved seeing the look on his face while he was opening it. He even had one of those cute half-smile things and he looked up at me and said how this was the best thing anyone has done for him. I hope this post has given you some help! 

The Crafty Lover

A Little Bit About Me!

Hey! I am Katelynn and I am almost 16 years old. I have a little sister, Elyse, who is 6:

 I love to do Do-It-Yourself crafts because I find them so much fun. Most of my posts will be either about crafts to do or relationship posts, hence the name Crafty Lover.

This Post is Coming Soon!

I also will be posting about my dancing life, most likely. I have been dancing for 12 years, and it takes up a majority of my life. I am at the studio more than I am home. Since it is summer, classes have been shortened from 5 days a week to 3. I am also an assistant teacher and I help teach children from ages 2-13. I wouldn't know what I would do without dance...

And... I also did some modeling for a photography studio...
Thank you so much for stopping by to read this! I hope this won't be our last! I will try to post at least once a week... Although, I will post a few this week, since this is a new blog. 

The Crafty Lover